revised_Application technology partial desalination in the Water utilities sector

Carix - regeneration of ion exchangers with carbonic acid

CO2 improves regeneration treatment


To regenerate the ion exchangers, CO2-saturated water is prepared and pumped through the filter beds. CO2 dissolved in water partially reacts to bicarbonate (HCO3-) and protons (H+). The free protons regenerate the cation exchanger, the hydrogen carbonate the anion exchanger. The residual CO2 is degassed from the rinse water process and used again for preparation of CO2-saturated water.   



Simultaneous lowering of hardness, sulphate, chloride and nitrate content in one step to result in favourable drinking water values
The regeneration only requires carbon dioxide and no additional salts
Favourable for the corrosion index (Larson index), since not only bicarbonates but also sulphates and chlorides are reduced.
Low CO2-consumption and operating costs


Messer offers cost-saving and reliable technologies for injection of gaseous or liquid CO2.


*  CARIX® is a registered trademark of  Veolia Water Technologies

revised_Customer process partial desalination in the Water utilities sector

Regeneration of ion exchangers

Simultaneous regeneration of anion exchanger and cation exchanger

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