Application proposal Trials


Small scale development center trials - Customer onsite trials

In our COMPETENCE CENTRE or in your production

Our company philosophy is not only to supply customers with gases, but also to support them by developing new processes or improving existing ones.

Particular advantageous is application know-how and new processes in which gases are used. Therefore, Messer operates a central technology department, which works closely with our sales department and operates technical centres of excellence in Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland and China, focusing entirely on new developments for different industries.

At the technical centre in Gumpoldskirchen near Vienna, the control and feed systems required for trials and applications in the chemical industry are built, tested and prepared for use at the customer. In Krefeld, a new technical centre is currently under construction in which, among other things, it will be possible to test various feed systems for gas applications.

In addition to the technical centre infrastructure, there are networks and collaboration with universities, institutes and trade associations that allow experts to exchange knowledge and market experience as well as joint research and development activities. Messer currently holds around 900 patents worldwide for processes and applications in which gases are used to optimise production methods.

Techniki zastosowań

Techniki zastosowań

Efektywność i wydajność produkcji oraz ochrona środowiska dzięki gazom, wiedzy specjalistycznej i know-how, - badania, rozwój i przeprowadzanie prób w zakładzie klienta

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